Hi, I'm Emma.

I'm a mixed media artist and teaching artist. I have a deep, playful, contemplative practice and love to experiment with different mediums and techniques then share what I discover in my classes. I work with fibers, book making, slow stitching, weaving, poetry, nature, collage and more. I went on a long and difficult healing journey that revealed how healing art making can be. It is now my constant companion, my oxygen, my best friend. I need to spend time with it every day or I feel off. I am deeply inspired by Zen Buddhist teachings, psychology and deep ecology at the moment. I love animals, love to read, love taking walks with my two rescue beagles, doing silly dance moves and connecting with others in deep, playful and meaningful ways. I am a highly sensitive person, queer, sober and hearing impaired. I live in a small city in Wisconsin in the United States.

“I haven't done any kind of hand stitching in a long time (and even what I had previously done was fairly minimal, not to mention viewed as somewhat of a chore). This class, and your approach, introduced me to a very freeing, exhilarating, and imaginative way of interacting with fabric and needle-and-thread! Your gentle, encouraging, enthusiastic, and generous teaching style is such a gift to experience.”


"I can't recommend Emma’s classes more. She is a fantastic artist and opened up a door to my creativity I didn't even knew I had."


“I loved Emma's class - it was inspiring, gentle and expansive and opened up so many ideas and practices for me."


In each class, I give you all that I know about the medium and walk you through my experimental process so you can try it all and see where it takes you. I also offer deep reflections that can take you into a contemplative space within yourself and expand your art practice and your life in fulfilling ways.

I love helping others find the doorways within themselves and within art materials that lead them into the world of nourishing and fulfilling art making. Art is a portal, it can connect us to subtle realms beyond our everyday thinking.

Creating art is incredibly healing and is a powerful, transformative experience that anyone can access with practice, dedication, and presence. It has and continues to change my life. It is a sanctuary that I turn to every day with all that I am in any given moment, with my questions and doubts and worries and it guides me where I need to go, over and over again. It also reminds me to play and have fun.

I look forward to helping you on your creative journey,


“Emma is a teacher who is gentle, encouraging and lovingly inspired. She is the perfect teacher for anyone who doubts their own creative ability. Her love of color, texture and design quietly bubble over. Initially she will impress you with practical and creative techniques to start using in your art right away. Later you may find yourself touched by her example of bringing peace, flow and balance not only through her art but also her practice of making art.”

- Sarah, past student